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₹755.00 – ₹1,099.00
At, your satisfaction is our priority. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you can initiate a return request within 7 days of delivery.
To request a return, contact our customer support team:
Please provide the following details:
Once we receive your request, we will review it and respond within 7–10 business days with further instructions.
If your return request is approved, you can choose between:
Certain items are not eligible for returns, including:
We accept returns for eligible clothing items only in the following cases:
If a customer orders the wrong size or color, we will accept the return with a charge of ₹250. The customer is responsible for selecting the correct size or color when placing a new order.
Ensure that returned clothing items are in their original condition, with tags attached, and include any receipts or proof of purchase. Returns that do not meet these conditions will not be accepted.
If you receive a damaged or defective item, please contact us immediately to initiate a replacement or refund. We may require supporting evidence, such as photos or videos of the issue.
If you have any questions or concerns about our Refund Policy, please do not hesitate to contact us: